Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jack's Obsession

Do you know who this is?
(Forgive me.  This guy didn't want his picture taken.)
Or this?
And what about their friend, the duck?

Nope.  You are incorrect.

The 1st picture depicts Jacob Marley, the second picture is of Bob Cratchit and their friend is Ebenezer Scrooge (or "Frooge" to Jack) of course.  Jack is obsessed with the book, Mickey's Christmas Carol

We started reading it in December, but I haven't been able to put it away like the rest of our Christmas books.  We (mostly me) read this book almost every day to Jack.  Sometimes 2 or 3 times.  There is no other time that Jack will sit for almost 30 minutes.  Yes, this book is LONG! But, I have read it so many times that I can read it without thinking about it.  I can read aloud while planning our dinner menu in my head, that sort of thing. 

Here's Jack this morning "reading" his favorite book.  This is one of his favorite pages, where Jacob Marley appears first on Scrooge's door knocker.  Jacob Marley is definitely his favorite character.  He cannot seem to wait for those pages in the book.  "Where's Jacob Marley"?!  Also, Jacob Marley has become a game in our house.  Jack pretends to be the Ghost of Jacob Marley and runs after the other kids yelling/moaning "IIIIIm Jaaaacob Marrrryey ooooooooo".  And this morning, Jack handed me the book Go Dog Go  (another of his favorites, but not an obsession) and he informed me that it was not "Go Dog Go" but "Go Jacob Marley Go".  Yep, I read the whole book substituting "Jacob Marley" for "dog," which, by the way, was 58 times.
But Bob Cratchit has a place in Jack's heart too.  I have appeased Jack at night by giving him Bob Cratchit to sleep with (Our only Jacob Marley was pictured above.  He's a stamp.  Not something to sleep with...).  Notice that Butter is on the floor and Bob Cratchit has the throne.  Poor Butter.
So now you know what's up with Jack!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

I love the funny obsessions they get. Katie's new obsession is PJs. She has her favorites and wears them at night and then during the day. We have a little discussion every night trying to get her into clean pairs. She is in them right now. :-)

fiona said...

That is so funny! I'm totally imagining him running through the house as Marley's ghost! And the "Go Dog Go" book -- hilarious! It's so cute how into things these little ones get :) Do y'all have the movie? I remember liking it a lot when I was little, not quite to the extent Jack does, though ;)