Monday, March 1, 2010

The potty dance

So, the other night (after Jack had been throwing up all day...), Mike and I hopped into bed.  Right away I heard a noise coming from the boys' room.  I thought it was probably vomit again, plus I was warm under the covers,so I asked Mike if he would check on Jack for me.  Of course I would have gotten up to deal with the actual vomit...  So, Mike went into their room and found, not Jack throwing up, but Jonah running in circles on his bed (the top bunk)!  Apparently Jonah had to go potty and this is his "potty dance," but he wasn't awake enough to know what he was doing.  Mike got him down from his bed and placed him on the floor so that he could walk to the bathroom but Jonah just ran circles on the floor.  Mike then took him to the bathroom and he did the same potty dance until Mike held him at the toilet until he did his business.

1 comment:

fiona said...

No way! Potty dancin' in his sleep! That is pretty awesome... I'm also quite impressed that he didn't progress PAST the potty dance in his sleep. I'm sure you and Mike were even more appreciative of that :)