Monday, March 8, 2010

Blowing bubbles...and other tricks

Paige had been trying for sooooooo long to blow bubbles with gum!  She chewed a lot of gum when we were in Brazil this fall and became frustrated that she never got a real bubble.  But this last Friday she blew her first bubbles!  I have to say that I think it is partly (or maybe entirely) my fault that she hadn't made any progress in bubble blowing arena until now.  I think I bought the wrong gum.  Always Trident or something like that, but Mike bought Bubble Yum last Thursday night while he was out with the boys.  Yep, Mike's the hero!
You will get to see Paige blow a bubble in this video.  Jack too.  He thinks he's blowing them!  He LOVES bubble gum and usually starts asking for it after breakfast.  Sometimes he gets some after lunch.  Sometimes.  I was surprised the first time I gave Jack gum (a little over a month ago).  I thought he would swallow it, but I gave him the gum out of my mouth because he really wanted some and we were in the library (it was my last piece).  He was sure happy after that! He chewed it for over an hour before he wanted to spit it out.  No swallowing it for Jack!  Paige is the one who still accidentally swallows her gum.  Although she is the one who once swallowed a string of dental floss.  Seriously.  She was about 3 and wanted to floss her teeth so I gave her a piece of floss.  A minute or two later, she asked me for another piece.  I asked, "Where is your other piece"?  She responded, "I ate it.  It tasted like a Peppermint Pattie".

Blowing Bubbles from Julie Tull on Vimeo.

And here are some Monkey Girl tricks while bubble blowing.  Paige spent hours last Friday blowing bubbles and climbing doorways. 


1 comment:

fiona said...

YEAH for bubbles! Great job, Paige! And Jack, haha :D That's really funny about the floss, too, I can't believe she swallowed that!! Also, I'm super impressed by that last photo, with Paige hanging there just by her arms -- strong girl! (lots of exclamation marks, but they are well deserved ;)