Friday, April 2, 2010

Paige's Memory

We are so proud of our girl (and hope you don't mind our bragging just a little!)!  Last week, we realized that Paige has retained all memory verses she had learned each week in January through March with just a simple word or phrase to start it off.  She even remembers the references.  Woohoo! 
In the video below, taken last weekend, Paige was captured by Daddy and was told that her only way out was to recite Mary's Song of Praise (Luke 1 46-55) which she learned in December.  She was the only 1st grader at church to memorize the whole thing.  I love how it is on her heart now and that she can recite it in the midst of absolute chaos!  

And Mary said... from Julie Tull on Vimeo.
So, excuse our little brag, but you have to agree (or not!).  She's pretty cool!


Unknown said...

Paigey is WAY COOL!

Love, Nana

Three Girls with a Mom said...

Wow! I don't think I could memorize all those Bible verses. Very impressive!

fiona said...

Wow, I am super impressed! That Paige is full of all sorts of talents! I wouldn't be surprised if she could do it while climbing a doorframe and blowing bubbles, too... ;) GREAT job, Paige!!

zachariah said...

Go Paige, that's really cool!