Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today was the first day of school...

The school bus drove past our house this morning. I cannot tell you all how happy and comfortable I am not puting Paige on that bus! I am not one of those sad, crying moms on the first day of school but instead a happy mom who gets to enjoy her sweet, smart, funny, curious and creative girl at home. If you didn't know, we have decided to homeschool the children- to be more exact- we decided to "unschool" them. We don't have a curriculum and don't sit down every day at particular times and play school. We learn all the time, following the interests of our children. Today Paige wrote a list of fruits that she wanted from the market, shopped and found the best prices, made up a dance with her own funny music, crafted with paper, crayons and scissors and is now quietly watching, "Charlotte's Web." Later on, after Jack wakes up from his nap, I am sure we will all go outside and enjoy the beautiful September afternoon sunshine. This is the life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julie, I don't have any worries that Paigey will be missing out on anything in public school, at least for now. You are a great teacher and a wonderful mom. Our little smartie can already read, write and do simple math that most kindergarteners haven't even started to learn. Best of all she can stay happy and at home.

Love you,