Monday, September 22, 2008

Sleepy Jack

Jack was acting tired at about 8 o'clock tonight, rubbing his eyes, getting a little fussy... I asked him if he wanted to "go night-night" and he nodded his head "yes" so I got his clean diaper and jammies on him pretty easily. I did have to chase him down to get his clean diaper on, but that is normal. He LOVES to be FREE and usually crawls as quickly as he can, laughing hysterically. He also knows not to go into Paige and Jonah's room so he heads there VERY quickly!
Well, the fun began at his bedtime nursing session. I got licked and "rasberried" and bopped on the head. Jack made monkey "ah ah ah" sounds and growling noises between swallows. I was told all about "Dada" and "Goo ga" (hmm... "google"?) and myself (Mama of course!). It was really cute when he said, "Nana". He had never said it before. I think he wasn't intending to say Nana really, but when I talked to him about what he said, he was so excited and kept pointing up and seemed pretty proud of himself (Nana ALWAYS picks Jack up and takes him to things that are up. Jack LOVES this!).
I kept trying to keep Jack calm. Remember, it was bedtime. I would say "It's time to go to sleep." and "Would you like me to put you in your bed"? When I said this, he would say "uh-uh!" while shaking his head and then snuggle in tight and act sleepy for a minute before starting to play again. I think this was just his time to think up new activities, like "peekaboo" and plugging his nose to make funny sounds... He was soooo cute. It was hard, but I kept looking away so that he would stop trying to engage with me.
Eventually, Jack did fall asleep in my arms. I wanted to take a picture of my sweet Jack sleeping after our 1 1/2 hours of bedtime fun, but I'm afraid he will wake up...


fiona said...

Oh, that is such a sweet story! It's so hard trying not to encourage them at bedtime when they're acting so cute. Kinda makes ya wish they didn't have to grow up...

Julie said...

Absolutely! I don't want Jack to ever grow up.

Mike said...

Jack is scary smart. He knows exactly what he is not supposed to do, and does it with a smile on his face. Then he knows how to "pretend" to be tired to dominate his mom's time.

Basically, he's good!!!

Anonymous said...

That's my sweet baby! He's always thinking UP and it's so fun to make him giggle with delight at touching something up high.

I love you Jack.
