Saturday, March 28, 2009

Antarctica: The Baby of the Family

Jack provided a lot of entertainment on the cruise. Here is just a little video taken on "fancy night." Jack developed this fake laugh on the cruise when he heard others laughing. It didn't matter what they were laughing at. And since we had his attention (or is it that he had ours?), we had him do "the squeeeeeeze" for you all as well!


zachariah said...

Nuala kept trying to do the squeeze while watching this video...

fiona said...

The squeeze! I love the squeeze! And the fake laugh is hilarious!! He is the cutest! Yep, Nuala had us watch this video over and over and OVER, still wasn't done when we had to go downstairs...not only was she trying to do the squeeze, but when Jack would do his fake laugh, she'd do it, too... No sound, just the open, smiley mouth and the head bob, just like him!

Three Girls with a Mom said...

What a cutie! How great you got it on video too!

Mike said...

I love the squeeze. Jack has been so good at duplicating some of my favorite goofy things the other kids did, while adding some of his own. He’s just a cool little guy!!!