Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jack-Jack Attacked!

Okay, so he wasn't really attacked. He just has Jonah's underwear on his head (complements of Paige). Our children find underwear on heads hilarious. Jack does look pretty funny. What I see in this picture are a bunch of teeth that are coming in and attacking Jack's gums. It seems that Jack has gone from having 6 teeth to 12 or so in a few days. Poor guy. He doesn't usually complain or whine during the day, but he sure sleeps horribly at night when he is teething. It's like he's a newborn again. The other night he woke up at least 8 times.... Last night was a little better.


fiona said...

This really made me giggle!! Jack peeking out of UNDERWEAR! Clean ones? hopefully for his sake! I hope he feels better!

Julie said...

Yep, the underwear was clean. We always have lots of clean Jonah underwear as he often "forgets" to put it when he gets dressed in the morning.