Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our Girl

I thought I would share this conversation I overheard last night...
Paige: Daddy, are you staying home tomorrow?
Mike: Nope, I have to go to work.
Paige: But, when ARE you going to stay home?
Mike: Tomorrow will be Thursday and then there's Friday. 2 more days. Then, I will stay home on Saturday and Sunday.
Paige (very quickly): Then can we go geocaching?
Mike (with a goofy smile on his face): Of course we can!

Mike is so proud of his "Baby Girl." He loves that she enjoys something that he loves and loves that she just cannot get enough of it. Lots of exciting Daddy time! But, he is also impressed with the unsissyness of Paige. She'll hike for miles, doesn't mind the rain so much if she's got her raincoat, knows how to use the GPS and even wants to go geocaching again, after what happened last weekend (And if you haven't already, read the blog entry from Mike titled, "Another geocaching adventure." It is hilariously written and gives you a better picture of what their adventures are really like.). Last Sunday Mike ended up taking the two kiddos through a swampy marsh to get to the cache after hiking a couple of miles and a couple hours already... Paige and Jonah (Mike too for that matter) were SOAKED from head to toe after their adventure. Paige had fallen in the mud so she had that going too. When they came into the house, it instantly smelled like swamp, but there were so many smiles- from the excitement of the adventure, but also from the hot chocolates and donuts Daddy treated them to from Starbucks on the way home. Mike was giddy about their adventure, laughing while he told me whole story. It is so fun having a little princess who loves dancing and singing while wearing beautiful poofy and twirly dresses, but who is also at ease in nature covered in dirt and stink. I guess I'm proud of my little girl too.


fiona said...

That's sweet! I love that she loves to spend time with her dad. They do sound like good buds. And she definitely sounds like a well-rounded princess to me! Like a Princess Pippi Longstocking sorta girl... :) We'll hafta be filled in on the next adventure, of course!

Colin said...

Now, if we could just get her exploring nature IN her fluffy poofy dress, then THAT would be a sight to see!!

Mike said...

Yeah, that's my baby girl!!!

Three Girls with a Mom said...

Katie is the same way. I have to make sure I pack at elast three outfits when she goes to my moms since she goes through at least 2 a day from being dirty/wet outside. I figure a little dirt don't hurt! :-)

zachariah said...

That's great to hear, I'm hoping Nuala will be the same!