Friday, November 14, 2008

I don't have anything exciting to post

Thought I would give an update though...
Jonah is obsessed with skunks (porcupines, turtles and possums are his other favorites. He spends many hours each day as one of these animals. When he is a skunk, he sticks his little tush out and "sprays" us. When he's a porcupine, he pokes us. And when he is a turtle, he is constantly saying, "Scare me"! He wants to be scared back into his "shell", which is usually his shirt, but sometimes is a towel or a blanket so we have to growl or bark or say "boo" many times a day.
Jack is now running! He loves rough play with Daddy, and unlike the other kids, he likes to take his daddy rides backwards without holding on. He loves climbing too. Paige and Jonah taught him yesterday how to put the little slide behind the couch, climb up it and then sit on the top of the couch. Little stinkers. They know they are not to climb onto the backs of the couches, but they thought it was fun to teach Jack how to...
Paige, our geocaching obsessed girl, is obsessed with finding treasure! So today, I made a map of our upstairs and we took turns hiding Baby Bop and marking and x on the map for the other person to find. This was fun. She read the map pretty well. It was definitely a challenge for her though. Paige also made pirate eye-patches out of black paper for her and her brothers (I helped with the string.).
I made a really good chicken barley soup last night. It tasted great and everyone ate it. Today at lunch, I noticed BUGS in my leftover soup! They must have been in the barley and we just didn't notice because of the lighting.... YUCK! And I was being so resourceful too. I made my own stock with our leftovers from our chicken the night before (something I've been doing for a while now) and made enough soup with it for dinner last night as well as five lunches for me. Now I have to throw them out. I know that the bugs probably wont hurt me, but I will not intentionally eat bugs. So, anyway, I'm a little bummed and really grossed out.
And Mike, he doesn't know he ate bugs for dinner last night since I haven't told him yet. He's at work, getting ready to go to Brazil next week. He's probably looking forward to pizza night tonight.


Mike said...

I've eaten bugs before while skiing or biking. It's no big deal... as long as I didn't know it.

Colin said...

I have a hard time believing that posting bug-eating-related information on a public internet site is the best way to keep said information from your husband.

fiona said...

Oh gross!! And major bummer. I'm sorry. Wouldn't it have been just so much better to not have noticed? Yeah, I'm sure they wouldn't negatively affect you, and you already know (hehe!) you can't taste them, but when you DO know you're eating bugs, it's definitely a whole 'nother story...

I like your treasure map game with Paige, I think it's so cute how into geocaching she is!

fiona said...

Haha! I just clicked on your link to Meredith's blog, and hafta she friend or family? Come on, 'fess up, whose cousin is she? Mike's? Julie's? Y'all are funny :D

Mike said...

Bug Update:

I was disposing of the remaining soup. It was all frozen in containers, so I used hot water to thaw it enough to get it out of the containers, and then break it up in the sink to get it down the disposal. When I looked at the sink full of water and soup ingredients I saw the magnitude of the bug problem.

Julie didn't just get a few bugs in our soup; it was basically an entire colony. I am serious, it was like a floating ant hill…I can’t imagine not noticing these when putting the ingredients in, there were just soo many. But, I guess that is a tribute to how much Julie has going on at once with 3 kids, the house to take care of and making dinner.

Wow it was a lot of bugs!!!

Julie said...

I wasn't trying to keep the bug-eating incident away from Mike. I just hadn't told him yet since he was at work. I didn't want to call him and have him tell all his coworkers- They'd never come to our house for a meal again! Some may read this blog. If you are reading this, know that I have never before made food with visible bugs in it!

Meredith is our um, "friend". She's like family! Actually, we just thought it would be funny. We knew you would notice Fiona! We also are slightly embarrassed by our short list (now 3 long) of blogging friends and family.

zachariah said...

Ugh, gross!! I had a similar experience with rice in Japan once... after cooking and eating dinner we noticed that some of the white "rice" in the bag was actually moving, turned out to be full of maggots!!

Three Girls with a Mom said...

Bug eating is not something on the top of my list. But it is pretty exciting to read about! Good Protein for sure.