Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fun at the Farm!

Here are some pictures and a video of our recent trip to Farrel McWhirter Park in Redmond!  We had such a fun time with the animals and with my cousin Keri and the boys she nannies for.  It was a great day!
We loved the chickens!  They just wander around the farm.

And we loved these cute goats too!

The turkey wasn't so cute, but BIG and really liked posing.

Jack is definitely becoming less of a chicken! Haha! He loved the animals and even tried to pet the chickens.

Jonah petting the calf.

I wanted to take him home!

Yep.  There was one puddle in the whole park and Jonah found it!

Jack loves the horses.

Our monkey!

Keri was the best tire-swing pusher ever!
These piggies were hilarious! All nine decided that they were starving at the same time.  I loved the greedy noises and how the mama's belly (or is that just one large breast under the belly?) went up and down and side to side like a waterbed. Funny to watch.  Probably not so funny for the mama pig.  

Hungry Piggies! from Julie Tull on Vimeo.

And here they are, all filled up and sleeping.  So sweet!


fiona said...

Great video! Seriously, it's amazing how that...body part... jiggles so much! Jack looks so old in that pic with the soccer ball! I feel like I say that every time I see a picture of him. Guess I need to mentally update his image in my mind, but I just keep picturing him as that cute little guy on the cruise! He's still a cute little guy, but just a bigger little guy... Jonah. Oh, Jonah! Of COURSE he found the puddle! Remember when he couldn't resist walking through that freezing creek on our glacier hike? haha! The picture of him hiking up his pants is just hilarious :D That looks like a fun place!

Julie said...

So glad you liked the video Fiona! For me, it was the number 1reason I actually posted about our trip. I loved those pigs!
And yes, I remember Jonah walking through the melting glacier water! Mike was sooooooo irritated and shocked, "Why would he do something like that"!? Cuz he's Jonah!
This park would be a great place to go (and meet us!) when you visit Z's parents. It is halfway (I think) between us and them and it really is a wonderful park.