Thursday, May 27, 2010

Baby Jack

I am not ready for my BABY to be 3 years old!

He was just born yesterday...

I would sit Jack on the counter in his little seat and we would chat while I made meals and cleaned up.  Oh how I loved those sweet little sounds!

He has been the best baby in the world!  In my heart and literally.  He's been quite a few places!

Hangin' out in Boston at 3 months...

Here he is at 5 months, sunning on a beach in Aruba with a couple of our Brazilian friends.

And just hanging out on the beach in his suit, sunhat and in the stroller.  Too much sun for our fair baby!

Who could look that cute eating a cracker? Only my little "Cracker Jack."

He has always been up for an adventure.  This time, he's ready for a bike ride with mommy!

He was such a laid back baby.  Very content to just have Mommy carry him everywhere!  He did crawl eventually!  Here he is at 12 months.

 A cruise to Antarctica when I am 18 months?  Sure Mom!  Here he was posing for random people. He was a mascot on the cruise for sure...

In Brazil...

Jack, at 2 1/2 is my kitchen helper! Still is!

He rides Jonah's old bike now.- super fast!  He wants to keep up with the other kids.   

And he has an obsession with "Mickey's Christmas Carol," especially "Frooge" and "Yaycob Maryey" STILL.  It's May! 

And he loves "Scooby-Doo".  Isn't he a hunky Fred?

I know Jack will always be my baby, but I have always considered 3 to be the age where children are no longer babies.  They turn into real live kiddos, with lots of their own interests (which is great!), and they need a bit more discipline and crave more independence. Jack has truly been the most wonderful baby I could ever have imagined.  He was (and is) so cute.  As a little baby, he was so perfectly chubby and so happy.  He was never collicky and hardly spit up and was sooooo laid back.  Now, he's grown into a sweet, somewhat strong-willed, talkative, caring, adventurous, strong, heart-melting little boy who adores his family and friends and makes them feel so loved.
Oh, how I love you Jack!  If I could live these 3 years over again, I would!  I feel so blessed to be your Mommy! Happy Birthday sweet boy! 


Mike said...

Jack and I had a long talk this afternoon, and he agreed to be 2 again. Really. When you asked him this morning how old he was going to be he would show you three fingers, but now he shows you two and has a the grin/smile on his face. Such a good little boy!!!

fiona said...

Okay, I loved this replay through Jack's life! He was and IS such a cute little fellow! I can't believe he's 3.