Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Heroes!

Yesterday I asked the kids to get dressed (We were going to the YMCA soon) and they came out looking like this!

Just in case you cannot tell who they are (L to R), they  are Robin, Superwoman, and Superman. 

I love the ballet tights on Jack (aka Superman). I had to talk him out of the tights and underwear (He did have another pair under the tights...) and into a pair of pants, but he insisted on wearing his "cape" for most of the day.
So, my kids have been SUPER (heroes) lately.  They are happily enjoying life and their friends and family and of course their new toys from Christmas.  I on the other hand have not been feeling so super.  I guess I am giving you a little excuse for why I have been such a TERRIBLE blogger lately. My iron level is really low.  I'm working on it (eating meat, green drinks, lentils, supplements...), but a lot of days I have to rest when I put Jack down for his nap (totally NOT normal for me!)- usually the time I would blog.  In a few weeks I should be back to my more consistently busy (and bloggy) self.
Hope you are all SUPER!


Meme said...

Hi Julie...hope you are feeling better soon! What's the cause for your low iron count?????

fiona said...

Ugh, sorry you're not feeling well! I hope you get back to normal soon! You're totally always doing lots of stuff, so I bet it's really weird to HAVE to rest.

Those superheroes are super cute! the tights/undies combo...awesome, haha!