Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mama's Helper

Jack does everything with me, but he especially loves cooking and baking.  He loves to stir, add ingredients and push buttons.  My meal planning has changed a bit to include things for Jack to do.  Since  he loves to stir, soups have been on the menu a lot.  They (the soups) don't  seem to mind his constant (and not necessarily thorough) stirring.  Also, anything that uses the blender or mixer are really cool! 
Oh, and I guess I should mention this.  Jack does not like wearing clothes anymore.  Yesterday (when this picture was taken), I dressed him once and Paige dressed him once but the clothes didn't stay on for more than 5 minutes each time.  I don't really mind him running naked through the house (even though I am sometimes cold in here with a sweatshirt on!). For cooking though, I have him wear an apron to protect his exposed parts.


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Katie is the same way. I don't there has ever been a night where is a not running around naked! I think she loves to go potty since she takes her pants off to go. :-) Are you feeling better? Did you find out why your iron was low?

Nanny Keri said...

That is great picture hon. I'm stealing it for my fridge! It totally made my night. Have you thought about buying a toy blender and mixer? I have even seen a coffee brewer. I bet he would love those battery operated ones. One of the previous families had a set. We would bust them out all the time and mix water with food coloring or make chocolate milk.

Julie said...

Hi Christi,I think I just have a tendency to be a bit low in iron, but all this mothering can dip into it pretty heavily. Did you know that pregant or breastfeeding women need 2 1/2 times the amount of iron that men need? I am sure that I haven't gotten that! I don't digest red meat very well so I usually avoid it- It can take weeks or even months to get your iron level up to where it should be. I think for me there is a critical number and when it drops below that, I definitely feel it. I am not feeling better yet, but I am trying to!
Hi Keri! I am so glad that that made your night! I love that pic too- ofcourse, that is why I posted it! I haven't thought about the battery operated blenders or mixers. I bet they are a lot of fun.

Three Girls with a Mom said...

I didn't realize nursing moms needed so much iron. Are you still nursing a lot? Katie only nurses in the mornings and not for very long. Hope you start to get the iron up soon. Are you taking vitamins to help increase it? Katie has a toy microwave and LOVES it! She cooks things in it all the time for us. I have thought about looking for other items since she loves the kitchen and microwave so much.

fiona said...

Oh my goodness, that picture is PRICELESS! I started laughing the minute I opened your blog! I'm glad he's such a good little helper, and I'm glad he's well protected, too, haha!