Monday, August 3, 2009

The lip

Okay, here it is. Mike's badly blistered lip after his Rainier climb. Apparently he didn't even think about applying sunscreen or sunscreen chap stick to his lips while he was at a high altitude with the sunlight reflecting off of the snow... He won't do that again! He is healed now, after 3 layers of blisters peeled away slowly. Eew! And OUCH!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Ouch! Lip sunburns sure do hurt. Although feet sunburns also hurt! These are the kinds burns that only happen once though. I am willing to beat Mike will never forget his lip balm again!

fiona said...

Hahaha!! I love it! Seriously, it looks so funny, as if you didn't know... but painful, yes. Sorry about that, but...hahahaha!! :D

zachariah said...

Nice!! At least you had a good story to go along with the burnt lips, vice just falling asleep in the sun...