Friday, May 22, 2009


Jack has a one-tracked mind lately. He is completely 100% obsessed with brroombrrooms (cars) from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed. If he talks to anyone on the phone, he will say "Huwo" first, but then quickly follows up with "_____ (could be Dada, Mama, Nana, Auntie, Grandma...whoevers brrroom brrrom he has gone in recently or wants to go in) brrroom brrroom" and "deet" (seat) and "bye bye" or "chao chao", "hee" (key), and then will usually state that the car is "bwoo"- even if it isn't. When Jack sees a car drive by outside, he gets all giddy and squeals, "brrroombrrroom"! Whenever he sees a truck, he yells, "Dada!" and whenever he sees a red car (any red car, from a shiny red Ferrari to an old rusty red Oldsmobile) its "Nana"! And he LOVES to go places in real cars and his play cars (pictured here). You get the picture...Jack LOVES brroombrrooms!

Here's Jack driving his brroombrroom (He will not even try to say "car.") on the deck. My grandparents bought this at a garage sale for $5 when Paigey was a toddler. She liked it. Jonah loved it. But Jack, he super-duper LOVES it! What a value! He usually asks to go out on the deck to "brroombrroom" before we eat breakfast most days, although we cannot really allow that since we eat around 6:45am and we want our neighbors to at least tolerate us.

And here's a little video of Jack in his car. For some reason, he stops doing his normal driving whenever I try to record him. He will stop and say "cheeeeeeese" or he'll get out, or sometimes he'll do something silly, like spin the car around and around. Oh, he really isn't growing a mustache yet. He just has some dirt on his face. And apparently the kids didn't like their dinners...

Oh ya. The finger. Notice in the picture below that Jack's finger is all bandaged up. Poor kiddo got his finger shut in the hinge of the (inside) garage door. Ouch! That is a really heavy metal door. Thank God he did not end up with a broken finger! The x-ray showed a small fracture though, so we've had to bandage it with popsicle sticks for the last week.
The last few days have been beautiful! Super sunny, but not hot. The kids and I decided to wash our deck furniture. Jack decided it was time to wash his car. I think he spent 30 minutes cleaning it!And here is our sweetie, giving Jonah a ride.

And Paige too! I thought she would be too heavy for him. But, nope. He had no problem. He even gave both kids a ride at the same time for a few seconds.

Paige loved this!
The secondary brroombrroom. Paige got this one from Grandma when she turned one. And again, Jack has used it more than the two other kids combined. He drives this one super fast, so watch out! He tries to keep up with the other two kids (who either ride bikes or scooters) with this one.
Again I tried to take some video of Jack on this brroombrroom. And again he tries something new... Oh, and Paige is trying to talk to me about her obsession- her birthday plans. We are already planning her birthday cake and invitations. I'll share it with you all later. It's kind of top secret for now.


zachariah said...

Cute!... and I bet Nanna wishes she had the Ferrari...

fiona said...

This whole post was just full of cuteness! I love that he was washing his car, so funny. And what a strong little dude, giving Paige and Jonah rides! And OUCH about the finger! Poor lil' guy... It's awesome that you finally have someone to fully appreciate the cool "brroombrooms" y'all have :D

And "wow!" again about your amazing backyard and deck...

Three Girls with a Mom said...

What a strong little guy Jack is! I am impressed he could move Paige and Jonah at the same time! I get tired pushing just Katie around. :-) It is fun to watch what they fixate on.