Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jack Dancing!

Okay, so this is the first time I have actually gotten a video to work! The problem though, is that the footage is VERY short, so don't blink! I will work on this! Jack was soooo cute dancing to this Raffi rendition of "This Little Light of Mine." He has been asking for music, pointing to every radio and Ipod in the house constantly these days. He LOVES music. He did try dancing standing up, but he kept tripping on his tail, plus he thinks that "dancing" means that you have to jump up and down in a circle, which is REALLY hard when you are unsteady on your feet. Isn't that kinda what you used to do in mosh pits Mike? Paige, of course, dressed Jack up like the Little Mermaid. Hope you like it anyways!


fiona said...

I watched it a bunch of times, Jack's sooo cute!! He's got very good balance, on his knees anyway ;) I LOVE the mermaid tail, makes him look like a cute little flopping fish!! Good job getting a video up, now I'm sure we will see more of the Tulls in action!

(maybe you should get a video of Mike's mosh pit dancing, I'm kinda curious now... ;)

zachariah said...

The digital age is going to be great for when our kids start dating. You will be able to break out the "cute" dancing mermaid video for his girlfriends to embarrass him, oh what fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is so cute, but it makes me cry laughing!
Julie, I mean Hoolio, you do need to practice the movies, they are too cute!