Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What they are asking Santa for...

I know it's a little early, but the way Jack says "drum" and "drumsticks" is hilarious.  Especially "drumsticks".  If you haven't heard him, here is your opportunity! Also, the way Jack wants to be just like Paige is too cute.  Hope you're all having a great day!

frumdicks from Julie Tull on Vimeo.


fiona said...

Okay, there's just too much cuteness in that video. Yeah, I love how Jack kept doing what Paige was doing! I love how he was looking at her, too sweet. And hilarious how he says "frum"! I love it! And Jonah wants a hammer and A nail, haha! But it has to be a sharper one! Those kids are too funny!

Nanny Keri said...

Jack has his excited fingers out!