Here are some shots that captured our fun!
Jack liked the water for a few minutes off and on. He liked it when Daddy bounced him up and down. I liked the stream of water that gushed out of his swim diaper whenever he got his little tush above water.
Paige was a complete fish. She LOVES the water and was jumping in and swimming across the pool like it was nothing.
Paige and Aunt Barb happy to be in the water together.
Jonah LOVED the pool this time too! He felt safe with this fishy float, but he actually SWAM with his eyes underwater a number of times. Yeah Jonah! And he jumped in too! And Aunt Barb was even teaching him to dive. Woohoo!
Here we are doing the Hershey tour. We didn't want to buy one of those pictures that they sell at the end, so here is our lovely shot! Aunt Barb, Jane and Paige are in the back. Mike, Jonah, Jack and I are in the front. Anyone want to purchase prints?
We all got a treat at the end of the tour. Jack really liked his peanut butter cup!
Philadelphia! We really enjoyed our visit to this city. There was so much to see. We came up for just one day, so that we could meet Jason (Mike's brother) and his fiance' Michelle, along with her nephew Kevin and friends Eugene and Dorothy (They are all really nice, by the way!). They took a train down from New York City where they were visiting for a few days before coming to Seattle. Aunt Barb, Sally (Jane and Barb's cousin), and Jane took the train from Lancaster. And the 5 of us, we drove from Lancaster. It was going to cost our family, $110 to ride the train to and from Lancaster. We drove for about $40, including parking.
The pictures are a little out of order, but for some reason I am having a hard time moving them around! Anyone else having that problem? I am no longer able to scroll down on the right.
Here is Jason and Jane at the Philly Cheese steak place we stopped at for lunch. It was good. Very crowded! But good! Although one time I made a recipe for Philly Cheese steak sandwiches that I thought were better... Yep, I am a little bit of a food snob. Greasy is just not my thing. This is where the Declaration of Independence was signed.
And Paige and Aunt Barb were here while the constitution was being signed. They are much older than they look.The Liberty Bell.
Of course Mike had his GPS, so we found a cache in the city. Here are Paige and Kevin with their find. Kevin had never done anything like this before, but loved it. He used his compass to help direct us.
Paige is walking on the oldest continually inhabited street in the country. The oldest of these homes were built between 1725 and 1727. For Mike and I, Elfreth's Alley was probably the highlight of the trip to Philadelphia. We loved the style of the homes, their character, the compactness, and just the fact that they are so old. When we came home, we had a Benjamin Franklin documentary waiting for us (Netflix). So, we have been watching it and this street has been shown dozens of times in the film during reenactments of Franklin's life.
And because we didn't have a full enough day already, having toured Philadelphia, we stopped at Valley Forge for a couple hours on the way back to our hotel. It was so beautiful there. We saw where Washington's army encamped the winter of 1777-78 (I think my years are correct here, but I may be a little bit off. I do know that it was after 1776.). Valley Forge was wonderful for the kids. They were able to let off some steam and just run freely through the grasses and around the cabins/huts and cannons.
Here are Paige and Jonah on real bunks of an open cabin (Most of the cabins are closed/preserved.)used by soldiers in George Washington's army.
Deer were everywhere! Jack loved watching the deer and spent a bit of time talking about "our" deer at home. "Deer boop! In yard. In gass. Eat happle. Num num. Boop! Boop!"
Amish Country. I was/am fascinated by the Amish. I wouldn't want to be Amish, but I think we can learn a lot by watching them. I love how they grow their own food, work together as a community and live a much simpler life than we do. It makes me want to keep simplifying ours.
We spent a morning in Intercourse. Not Mike and I, silly! Remember his lips? Eew! Intercourse is a town in Amish country with a bunch of shops. Many items were made by the local Amish community. But there was a lot of touristy type stuff.
Paige and Jonah loved this giant gingerbread man walking around. Jack, did not!
Jack is very easily overwhelmed by crowds and horses (in near distances). Grandma took a turn holding Jack-a-doodle and got a kiss.
We took a buggy ride, another highlight of the trip. It was lead by an Amish girl, Miriam, and two horses, Albert and Bridget. Grandma kept mixing up Miriam and Bridget... Poor Miriam! Luckily she didn't seem to notice. Miriam gave us a great tour of Amish farmland with lots of explanations and answers to our questions.
Sorry again. These pictures are out of order, and I can't just switch them around like I'm used to! Aah!
Here is what Amish Farm Country looked like from our buggy.
We all loved the horses, but Jack liked them best (although he loved them from a distance...). "More horse, more horse, more horse, more horse..." was something we heard a LOT on our trip. Whenever we'd see a buggy go down the street, Jack would shriek "Horse! Horse! Horse"! and then after it passed us or we passed it, he would be back to "More horse! More horse! More horse"! Look at that cute little foal.
Paige and Jonah and another boy around their age got to sit up front with Miriam. They took turns helping her drive the horses. Jonah spent a LOT of time talking about the horse tushies. That is surprising, huh?An Amish farm. We did stop at one farm and purchased some homemade root beer to drink. Very yummy! Grandma got some lemonade, zucchini bread and whoopee pies. I think I need to find a whoopee pie recipe. They looked pretty yummy!
More water play! Grandma and Aunt Barb had a great indoor pool at their hotel. Our hotel did not. Our hotel was clean, but it was a concrete square with rooms on each side and down the middle. No exercise room, no pool, no extras. We were thrilled that Grandma and Aunt Barb wanted to pay more for their room than we did.
Mike and Jonah. Mike, how did you get your hair to do that?
Here's a cute picture that keeps turning itself when I put it on the blog. Hmm....
Mike found this one. Everyone was nervous about poison ivy- or was it poison oak?- here. Mike was the only one who would brave the rash. He didn't get poisoned though...
Here is Paige with Alex inside an airplane on the beach.
Here is Mike, Uncle Bruce and Aunt Jo. If you have a hard time seeing her, just look for a florescent red beach cover up. Yep, there she is!
Jumping waves!
Here is Jack. UP. Just where he likes to be. I am very happy in my new swimsuit. I'll probably look like I'm Mennonite or something when we go to Brazil (with all their teeny weeny suits), but atleast I feel comfortable in it. I really like the board shorts.
We HAD to stop at Ben & Jerry's before coming home.
Paige apparently likes "Chocolate Therapy." She had no idea she looked like this. If she did, she would have insisted that she washed her face up before taking a picture.
Say "Yummy!"
Here are all the kids. Jack, Ben, Paige, Alex and Jonah.
What a fun trip, beautiful surroundings and wonderful family!
How fun! Y'all did a LOT of different stuff on that trip! I want to go to Amish country, and Valley Forge would be really interesting, I think. Those bunks are so close together! I guess when you're dead tired it doesn't matter so much, you just need a place to crash. Paige's chocolate face is hilarious! More so because she had no clue about it, haha! I love your swimsuit, too, it's very cute! And I'm so glad you feel comfy in it, that's the most important part :) Oh, that little street in Philly...what was it, Elfreth Alley or something? SO neat looking. Sounds/looks like y'all had a great trip out there!
So cool!! Looks like you guys had a fantastic time. Yay!
And yes, I'm pretty sure you were bothered more by the order of the pictures than we are. :D
Also, let me know which Ben Franklin movie you watched and if it was any good. I watched the HBO John Adams (with Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney) not too long ago, and it was SO good.
What a great family vacation! It sounds like you were able to visit lots of family you don't see often. Glad you are back in WA! Swimming pictures are always fun and your bathing suit is very cute. Glad you had a fun time!
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